About Us

Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks. BAL Educational Athletics Foundation emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community, and a desire for actions to speak louder than words. Established in 2020, we’re an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. Contact us to learn more and get involved.

We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world.

Based on Love

For years, BAL Educational Athletics Foundation has based its youth intervention model on the belief that young people have inherent value and are worthy of relentless love and support. We refuse to give up on young people and their ability to change their life outcomes. We infuse everything we do with the idea that positive, loving relationships are crucial to youth's self-improvement and personal development.

Builds on Strengths

Justice-involved youth are typically stigmatized and labeled as "problem children." BAL Educational Athletics Foundation believes that every young person has gifts, talents, and interests that need to be nourished and supported. When young people experience growth, competency, and purpose in exercising their skills and pursuing their interests, they will be far less likely to continue with risky behaviors that could lead to arrest or gun violence.

We Need Your Support Today!